Friday 22 February 2019

Types of touch

This week for our inquiry we leaned types of touches. The touches that learn was touch that make us happy, touch that hurts us and touch that can make us confused. And for that we had to do type of touch and for that we has a side sended to us and we had to write on it and for that we had to go on the side and we had to tell them about what we had to do and then we had to write down for the doc and you have to do that as a group my we had to put number and then we had to do what we wanted to now about it and then we had to get it done and then we had to do a thing that told us what make us sad,angry.

Thursday 21 February 2019

Ki O rahi

This week we did Ki O Rahi .For that we had to write down the word and then we had to do this for this we had to do this for that we had to write down what we need for that and then we had to write the word down that are the part and we had to write word down.And we had t write what we did this and we had to do the word and then we had to write down the work.

Thursday 14 February 2019

Kiwi sport-ki o rahi


LI-To learn the origins of Ki o Rahi

Today we learnt the basics of Ki O Rahi by first watching a video then playing 2 games.

The first game was Taniwha and Kioma. This was like rats and rabbits and taught us the names of the 2 teams.
The 2nd game we played was 8 pass on the court . This taught us to spread out, throw the ball and work together.