Friday, 12 April 2019


L.1. to present our poster to lS1. For our poster there were three groups we had to work together. When we got started my inquiry was spiritual. My buddy was Kruse. spiritual was me and Kruse had to write some good things and bad things. when we did all of that we did our last thing. when we were finished me and Kruse had to present our spiritual to everyone. Then we were finished with our presenting

Thursday, 11 April 2019


l.1. to learn about reading.

At our Duffy assembly we had a famous person.  He was in the in the wiggles but the brown. he talk to the whole school. Then the other person came up and he told us about reading and he said that he does not like to read but when he start to look for one that were easy he started to read and read about thing that are cool.

Wednesday, 10 April 2019


          Basic facts
For maths we did basic fact boxes and prodigy. Our first maths we did was basic facts boxes.The basic facts boxes was you have to time your self and try to get all the answers correct. the basic facts was addition and subtraction. then after that we did prodigy the prodigy was if your in a wizard battle you have to get the answers correct that what questions it ask you to use attacks. 

Term 1 kiwican overview

l.1. to recap everything did in kiwican

Today in kiwican recapped all of our learning from term 1. Our  big theme was positive relationships. Our 3 modules were -positive communication, friendship, cooperation. We made 3 groups. Each group talked about the 5 w's and h for 1 modules. After we talked as a group, each group shard their ideas back to the class.

1 thing you enjoyed this term was i enjoyed kiwican lessons
1 thing you learnt was i learnt about the 3 modules.
1 thing you need to be better at was i need to be better at is play the kiwican games.

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Kiwi can

L.1. to build positive relationships.

catch phrase:  we are friends on a ship put it together friend ship.
Theme: positive relationships
topic: friendship
energizer: word association
activity: empathy pole play

Today in kiwi can, were learning about friend ship. We learnt that there are times we can say no. We talked about situations were it is ok to say no. We discussed different way to say no that don't cause disrespect. We did a activity called empathy rote play. A group acted out a situation and as a class. We needed to decide the way to say no. Our options were no thanks, lets do something else instead, its just not my thing, that's no a nice thing to do