Friday, 31 May 2019


L.I. gymnastics to be fit.
Strenches: Butter fly, candle.

Rotation 1:  Back roll, little spring jump, praline jump roll.

Rotation 2:swing, hand stand metal handle.

Rotation 3: balance, front roll cart wheel.

writing End results

LI: to write an End Result using the new adjectives in our vocab list.

This week for writing we are learning about End result. My group was black ranger. My recipe was called banana pudding. The end result was under the title of the recipe. Then my next one was making pizza. Then i was done doing it.


LI: to collaborate on a task

Collaboration means a group of people work together to finish work on a task. We had to collaborate to make a meme about collaboration. We had to take a photo relating to the topic of collaboration and use text to say something about it.

Our meme is about how collaboration is not always easy to do, but we still should do it always.

Number line, place value and number bonds

This week for maths we started on our number line. Measuring master minds question was 45+27. When i was finished i did screencastefy. Then i was done.

L.I: to solve addition problems using place value and number bonds on a number line.

Tuesday, 28 May 2019


L.I: To figure out information from clues in a text.

This week for reading we were learning about inferring. we use our prior knowledge and experience to help us infer when we make connecting between the text and sel or text and world.

Friday, 24 May 2019

Day and light

This week for inquiry, we went to LS2 to learn about the solar system. We learned about the planets. The name of the planets was Mercury, Venues, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The sun is the bright star. Mercury is close to the sun. venues in the same size as the Earth. Earths colour is green and blue. Mars has lots of volcano. Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet in the solar system. Saturn is a planet with 7 rings. Uranus is like Saturn but its a cold planet. And Neptune raises diamonds. But i was learning about the Earths axis. Its like an invisible line that gives us light.


LI: to figure out information from clues in a text. This week we are learning about clues. So we did a slide of the clues.

Star dome

L.I: to learn about the solar system and the kids weather.

We went to the star dome the learn about space. First we learned about planets. Next we did a quiz. We had to grab an ipad that has a planet at the back. My groups ipad was Saturn. We had to find some answers about Saturn when we were done we had to put the ipad then we went to watch a video. Then we were done watching then we were learning about the stars then we went to go back to school.

End results

This week we were learning about End result.

What is a  End result?
A End Result is one or two sentences that tells  what is going to be made or done.

How I learned by Listing to my teacher and asking for feedback about what I have done.

Here is a photo of the sentences to show you proof.

Number lines

/>L.I: to solve addition questions and addtempt subtraction using place value on a number line

This week for maths we started on our Number lines. First we started on Number line. We had to count in 2's. When I was finished, my next one was number line addition 2. This one was a bit different because the question was 560+389. I had to put 389 up the top because its the smallest number and I had to put 560 under the number line because its the biggest number. The first one I had to put 40 on the top of the line because 60+40=100 so I made 600. Then I put 300 on top of the line because 6+3=9 so the answers 900. Then we put 40 to make 940. The the last number we had to add was 9 and the answer was 949.

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Kiwi can

L.I: Doings thing without being asked

Topic: Responsibility
Catch phrase: Kiwi can says: responsible is what I am , and thats the way of kiwi can.

Define: Spoke as a group about the different responsibilities we have to define what being responsible is.
Activity: Responsibility-Using skipping ropes to balance a ball by working together. Once it was balanced perform simple task, by walking to a window. without the ball dropping.

Friday, 17 May 2019

Procedure planner

Procedure planner

Start writing here!


End Result

Materials List
Pictures and
1. Half the limes.
2.use a musuring bowl to put the lime juice in.
3.Put shrimp into a bowl.

4.Put salt, jalapenos, red onions and tomatos.

5.Then mix all of that using the big spoon.

6.Put the shrimp in the frige and wait for 4 hours to get coald.

7.Take the shrimp out out of the frige.

8.Put cilantro in the bowl.

9. Enjoy.


L.I: to read the book to work on our reading.

This week in Friday for reading we were reading a book called growing strawberries. It was about a kid that was growing some strawberries and the animals keep eating them all. Me and my group read it then after that we went on our non fiction predilection. First one i started was make some connections. This slide was I had to make a sentence. It was text to self, text to text and text to wold. Then i went on picture it. I had to draw a picture of what was happening in the book. Then i was on key word cloud. The key word cloud was i had to go on  word cloud and type in the key words from the book. The last one was book information. That slide was about who was the Author of the book, who was the ilistrater/photography and year published. Then i was done doing my non fiction predilection.

cyber smart

For cyber smart we are doing how to make a smart comment and what is in a smart comment. We had to comment on somebody blog and tell them what they need to work on but not in a negative way. Like greeting leon. helow

The solar system

This week for inquiry we created a DLO about the Solar systems. First we wrote all of our facts done on our DLO on each sidle we added in images that showed the planets we were talking about so people would know what they looked like. Then we created this screencastify to people and tell others about the different planets. I was working with Elaario to get this complete we worked really well together.


L.I: to develop body movements of balonee, rotation and strength

strengths: L shape, seal, butterfly, cat. startle, back front side support.

rotation 1: beam-backwards
                  bench-forward roll

rotation 2: trampoline-star fish
                  backwards roll
                  1 leg/Scorpan hand stand
                   half 180 jump

rotation 3: hand stand
                  front support
                 parallel bars

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

kiwi can

L.I: to use integrity and honesty.

staying and not telling the truth is not always good, but telling the truth or help a friend to solve the bad problems must be done.

we did a drama activity to show people's emotion in different situation like when a lie is told or when your not honest to people won't be good.


L.I: to learn about putupiarehe faires and the geography of aotearoa.

Putupiarehe are fiares that live in deep deep forest.
They have magicle powers like rope and strength.

the putupiarehe we learnt about today live on mountains.
we learnt about putupiarehe and aotearoa by listen to the story of Ihenga and searching for information, and using google.

Friday, 10 May 2019

mount manganui

L.I: to learn the geography of aotearoa.

mount manganui is a mountain in taurango. The hanua and waitakere rangers are mountains in Auckland. Putupairehe are fariers that lived on these mountains in moari myths.

Friday, 3 May 2019

procedural texts


LI. to identify the structure of a procedural texts.

for our writing we went on our structure of procedural texts. The first one was we had to explain about the procedural. Then the second one i did was was the title. title is like a word thats on the front page. End resalt is like word thats under a tittle. Material is something to make a paper plane. Picture is something thats showing you like a background. Steps is an instruction That tells you what to do.


l.1: to sail on the boats.

yesterday at school LS1 went to go sailing. when we where here we met a man called Justin.  He tough us how to put all the parts together. After justin tough us how to put the parts together we did it. Then we had morning tea after we did it. When we had morning tea justin gave us a wet suit and a life jacket. My partner was David. We had to go down the ramp to bring the boats down in the water. Then we went to go sailing on the water. We had to go to the red cone and touch it. Then after that we were going to go at the sky tower. it took us 2 hour to get there. Then we went to go to the beach the go back to have lunch. After we had lunch, we went to go back to sailing but we had to grab the balls that are in the water. Me and my partner David went on the big boat. Then we went back on  the small boats we grabed a water gun we squid people. Then we went back to get changed back into our uniform to get ready to go. And Justin gave us a sitificit. Then we went back to school to go home.

Thursday, 2 May 2019

non fiction predilection

L.l. to learn about your text.

For reading we did non fiction predilection. The first slide i did was picture it. that one i had to do was draw a mobile on my book. Then i had to take a picture of myself holding my mobile. After i did the picture it slide, i did key word cloud. I had to find the key words in the book so i can write theme. Then i was on the what does it mean. This was my last one i had to do. So i had to explain the meaning, find two synonym, find two antonym then find a picture of it.

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

mt maunganui

moari legend.
The legend of mt maunganui tells us how mt maunganui got dragged to its current place. Whaea odie read us the story of mt maunganui. We used google maps to find the place in the legend.
We used google docs to remind us of the Maori words.