Tuesday, 31 March 2020


This week for commenting, i commented on Fotu's descriptive writting blog post.

Basic facts boxes

LI: to remember basic math facts

This week for basic facts boxes. The eqwasion i did was multiplication and division. After that i had to create a description about my basic facts.

SSR selfie

LI: to sammerise and retell a text

This week for SSR selfie the book i read, sammerised and retell was diary of a minecraft enderman. I had to read the book for 15 minuts then we had to retell and describe about the book.

Monday, 30 March 2020


LI: remeber basic math facts

This week for maths I was doing prototech. prototech is a maths activity that you do. When your done with your sheet, you get it marked and then you get a citificit after that. The one i went for was the times tables.

descriptive writting

LI: to describe interesting langue fetchers

This week for writting I was doing descripve writting. I had to make a comment to describe what the image was about.

Fact find

LI: to create a topic of information

This week I was creating facts about a topic witch was famous people.I had to name the famous person who i was doing. Then I had to create facts about it.

Thursday, 26 March 2020

SSR selfie

LI: to retell and sammerise a text

This wee for SSR selfie, The book i read was (meet the kreeps-Kicking the screaming). I had to read the book for 15.00 and then i had to retell the text of the book.


LI: to remember basic math facts

This week for maths I was doing prototech. The demond i went for was 1, 2, 5, 10. when we finished i marked it and got it all right so i did it successfully.

Descriptive writting

LI: to create a DLO with comment explanations

This week for writting, My activity was descriptive writting. I had to go on a slide with images to explain about. I had take a look at the image to see what is going in it. Then I had to make a comment to explain the description of the image.

Monday, 23 March 2020


L.I. to find were we live and ere the waka landed

This week for inquiry we were learning about were been and were the waka landed. First we had to find out were we live then we find some places were the wakas landed to.

fact find

L.I. to learn about something new
This week for reading we were doing can do's for our learning. The can do i did was fact find. fact find is describing info about you objective or doing word.

first thing was introduction. Next, we had to list 5 facts about it. Then you have to put on an image or video of it.

Comment thread

This week for comment thread, I commented on Taua's blog post. The blog post subject i commented was his writting.

Friday, 20 March 2020

Basic facts boxes

L.I. to remember basic facts

This week for BBF, I only did my addition. it took me 2.36 to get it finished.

SSR selfie

L.I. to summarise and retell a text

This week for SSR selfie, my new book i read about was Danny the champion of the world. We had to read the book for 15 min then we had to describe about it.

3D shapes

L.I. to create a DLO with 3D shapes

This week for maths, we were learning about drawing 3D shapes. We used a small scrap papper to practice our shapes. Then we started to flip to over and make the proper shapes. After we drawed the shapes we used some extra shapes that relate to 3D shapes. Then we had to draw lines as the floor. Bit we had to draw the lines softly so we can colour it.

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Compound and simple sentence

L.I. to make simple sentence together with the fanboys on compound sentence

This week for writting, we were learning about putting simple sentences together to make a compound sentence. we had to look at a picture and we had to describe about it with the compound and simple sentence.

First waka

Originally there no people in NZ. The first people to settle in NZ came in a series of waka.

The fist ten waka were named (Mataatua, TākitimuTainui, Te Arawa, Aotea, Tokomaru, Horouta, UruaoĀrai-te-uru, Kurahaupō)

Most of the waka uisited the north Island. Some of the places the waka landed at were NZ and north island. The ten waka

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Where in the world

LI: to create a map description with England.

This week for map skills we were describing about England. We had to type up the wolf team of football and then we had to find the image. After that, we had to go on a slide called where in the world. Then we had to describe the place. We had to write about the place.

What to write

  1. Name the place
  2. Name the city in the place
  3. Whats the closest body of water
  4. The distance and hemisphere

Friday, 13 March 2020


This week for commenting thread, I commented on Carson's maths blog post. I communicated with him to make sure he writes more in

Kiwi can

LI: to listen to kiwi can

This week for kiwi can we were learning about listening. Listening is respecting what your parents or teachers say. We got into an energiser witch was the same one from last week but you had to grab the con when the teacher says cone it. After that we were talking about listening. Then the last activity was kiwi can wisper. We had to get into 2 circles and then we had to choose someone to go to the teacher to tell them the word. Then the person has to come back and tell us the word then we had to wisper to the next person until we get to the end. When we get to the last person they have to tell the word.

Basic facts boxes

LI: to remember basic maths facts.

This week for BFB, I was doing time tables. We had to set up our challenge then I had to set up a stop watch. After that, I had to start it then answer the problems. When we answer all the problems, we had to describe our learning and our time.

SSR selfie

L.I. to summarise and retell a text

This week for SSR, My book i read was dairy of a wimpy kid-the ugly truth. I had to read my book for 15.00, then I had to explain about the book.

Main characters
what was the topic about
who is the illustrator and author
New keywords
The book title

Then we ahd to take a selfie of our book.

Place value system

L.I. to make numbers with a place value system.

This week for maths, we were learning about a place value system. We had to play a number game with place value blocks. Then we had to press on a dice then it shows a number with 6 digits. Then we had to type the numbers.

Retelling a text

Retelling a text is an important strategy to show understanding.

Retelling uses keywords to focus on important details.

Ordering keywords help us retell the information in an easy to follow way. Retelling helps show understanding putting the text in your own words.

Retelling helps us understand if we have understood everything that has been read.

Rippa rugby

LI: to get into a warm up for a real game

This week for rippa rugby we had 2 new coach. Their names were Ione and Izzak. We had to get into a warm with a race. We had to put a belt on then we had to get in a team the coach say's. Then we got into a line. This was a racing game. This racing game was to run with a rugby ball then we had to stop and pass the ball to the person behind you. The when you get the ball passed back, you had to run around the cones. Then we had to run to a flag around then we had to run back to the team and hand it over to the next person. Then we repeated it. After we did all the team we got into a real game witch was rugby tag. After we played a few games we had to go against the coach.

Thursday, 12 March 2020

what is compound sentence

L.I. to show an interesting knowledge of how range of text conventions can be used appropriately

This week, we extended our sentence understanding to what is a compound sentence. First we watched a video showing how a compound sentence is 2 thoughts on a subject joined with a conjunction.

Next we learnt that fanboys are conjunctions to join sentences. It stands for (For, and, nor, but, or, ye and so).

We then had to  tested our understanding by recording mixed up sentences.

I have created this DLO witch I hope help your understanding.

Kupe and Cook

Kupe arrive in NZ the 1100's.

Kupe and Cook are 2 important explores in New Zealand history

Why?-To discover ZN
When?-6 October 1769
How?-The English navigator Captain James Cook sighted New Zealand on 6 October 1769, and landed at Poverty Bay two days later.

Kupe is important because he was the first documented person in NZ. Cook is important because he mapped NZ and opened it up the world to access.

He travelled by traditional methods on a traditional sail boat. Myth has it he followed a giant octopus. He did this voyage to find new land and for his people to live. His wife named NZ Aotearoa after
seeing mountains under the clouds.

James Cook was a British explorer who was part of the royal navy. He came to NZ by sea in 6, October 1769 to make a map of the two main islands and find Australia.

Friday, 6 March 2020

Simple sentence

L.I. To use Speech/Punctuation marks to make 1 complete thought of a simple sentence.

This week for writting, we were learning about simple sentences. A simple sentence is 1 complete thought of a compound sentence. We had to make 5 sentences of our own. The we had to make a new slide and then we had to create our own slide. The we had to create the definition of what a simple sentence is. The we had to separate the 5 sentences of are own.  

Explores and adventures

Explores and adventures are people who travel and discover new things.

Explores are people who travel to find new things and record them for the community such as James cook, Kupe and Ferdinand Magellan

Adventures are people who travel to take part in the something for themselves such as sir Peter Blake and David Livingstone

Explores and adventures need to have or show many different attitudes and attributes such as Sylvia Earle, Jane Goodall and sir Edmund Hillary because they explain information about there Exploring and adventure.

Both EX and AD travel to have and need similar qualities altogether their goals are different.

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

legal and illegal images

L.I. To understand what legal and illegal images are.

A legal image is an image that can.
Image creators give legal permission to use their images by adding a
sharing licences. It is important to use legal to help creators, and so
we don't get in trouble. When using images, make sure to check the licence for permission.

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Keyword list

This week, we had to use our book, Gliders and sliders and find key words to unlock information.

First we needed to find to make a list of the keywords. Lastly we need to make a list of all the information that word unlocks as a reminder.

I learnt from the book to find interesting reminding description from the keywords.