Tuesday, 30 June 2020

QAR questions

LI: to pose questions and locate the answers in a text.

This week for reading we were learning about QAR questions. First we read and listened to a book. Next we had to ask some questions that were related to the the book and your own questions. Last we had to create a DLO about the questioning post and the book.

Questions help us answering question from yourself or a text.

Friday, 26 June 2020


LI: Mixed and Improper fractions

Fractions are full pieces cut into halfs. Decimals are numbers least than 1

The top number for fractions is numerator. The bottom number is denominator.

An improper faction is the denominator least than the numerator.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Verbs, Adjectives and nouns

LI: To identify vocabulary to summarise the text.

A verb is a word that describes an action. An Adjective is a word that describes things. A noun is a word used for naming things.

Summarising is telling the main parts of the beginning, middle, and ending of a book.

Friday, 19 June 2020

Information report

LI: to understand the structure of an information report

QAR questions

LI: To pose questions and locate the answers in a text.

This week for reading we were learning about QAR questions. We read and listen to a book then we had to ask some questions that were related to the the book and your own questions. Last we had to create a DLO with the QAR sheet and the book.

QAR helps us understand answering questions.

Friday, 12 June 2020

Geometric masking art

LI: to create geometric art by using masking technique.

This week for art we were learning about Geometric masking art. Geometric is shapes with simple curves and angles. Masking is covering something to hide it.

First I make a digital version to design it.

Next I take a paper to tape the frame and section.

Next coloured the gaps after taping the papper.

Last I removed the tape from the paper.

I enjoyed how i designed my taping of the sections.

Volume and Capacity

LI: to explore standard forms of volume and capacity.

Volume is an amount of an object. Capacity is an amount of liquid that can be carried in an object.

The standard form of capacity is litres (L) and (ML). Mesuring cups are used to mesure volume and capacity liquid. Estimating is a guess of an amount of something.

Making the conversion was dividing and multiplying with 1000.

Homonyms and homographs

LI: To investigate homonyms and homograph
Homonyms are words that have the same pronunciation, spelt the same and different

The example:
kind: you do something nice
 kind: A type

Homographs are words that are spelt the same, different pronunciation and different meaning.
The example:
Close: Shut something
Close: near someone

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Find, Draw, Animate and act/Light and sound vocabulary

LI: to learn the vocabulary of light and sound.

This week for inquiry, we were learning about a light and sound vocabulary. A vocabulary is a sheet of words. We had to make the explanations match with the words. 

The next activity we did we had to make a slide using skills such as find, draw, animate and act. The activity I chose was "find" and the word I was doing was DB. The unit of measurement for sound volume (loudness)

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Adjectives, Nouns and Verb

LI: To pose questions and locate the answers in a text.

Adjectives, nouns and verbs are words that make descriptions, actions and naming words.

Nouns are words that are names of people, places and objects.

Adjectives are words with describing words.

Verbs are words with words that have an action.

Next week we will use this learning when we start the questioning and QAR strategy.

Friday, 5 June 2020

Propities of Light

LI: to observe the propitys of light

Light is something that makes things bright. There are three properties of light and more.

One property of light is that light can refract when it shines through a glass. When light travels through a glass the light on the other side spreads out wider and sometimes with different colours.

Another property is light can be blocked from an opaque object.
When light travels to an opaque object, the light stops and gets blocked.

Last property is making light reflect from a mirror.
When the light travels to a reflecting mirror the light bounces of and travels to a different direction.

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Open and closed questions

LI: to pose questions, and locate the answers in the text.

A closed question is a question with an answer.
An open question is a question is a question with a reason.

Aboriginal Art

LI: to create art that tells a story using traditional methods.

This week for art, we were learning about aboriginal art.

First we had to watch a story about a kangaroo.
Next we had to paint symbols that could make footprints, nature and Stars from the video.
Last we had to draw an animal.

Tuesday, 2 June 2020


LI: to investigate homophones

Homophones are words that mean different things, spelled differently and pronounced the same.

They confusing because they sound the same.


Standard weight

LI: to Explore standard forms of weight

Weight is how heavy something is. The standard weight is gm, kg and Tones. How the weight work is using weight scales.

Estimating is a guess for an amount of numbers. how is work is guessing the number then the real number is revealed.