Thursday, 28 March 2019

Kiwi can

L.1. to go kiwi can

This week the year 5 went to the kiwi class to learn the topic.

Theme positive relationships
New topic friendship

Then the year 5 played and energizer. The energizer was last man standing. The way we had to play  is your walking. Then when your walking, when the teacher says your name you have to tag the people. Then when the teacher says freeze, you have to stop. and if you got tag you have to sit down and watch the other people.

Then after that we we played secret cards. The only way how to play is if you got a bad secret card you have to put it on the bad side. But if you got a good secret card you have to put it on the good side. Then after that we learned how to include people. After we did that we lined up and went back to class.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elaario,
    You have a great blog - post. I like how you are giving detail. But you have a fair amount of mistakes. You have some words repeated, and also some sentences don't make sense.

    Otherwise keep up the good work!


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