Wednesday, 31 July 2019


LI: to learn things at the motat.
this week we were on a bus to go to the motat. When we got there we went to the mind lab. Then we met 2 girls and 1 man. The 2 girls name was Emma and Kebin. And the mans name was Devon.

Exploring the motat

My groups was mr Wong. And my friends were with me too. First place we went was an old trackter, Old cars and engines, steams and everything else.

Making a flashlight

After we explored the Motat the yr 5's went to make a Lego flash light that work. When we were done we had a test of spinning the metal part and it worked.

Making a electric car

Then we made an electric cars with materials. Then we had a test and it worked.

1 comment:

  1. I say that this is a decent blog post elaario.
    It was a amazing trip.
    Keep up the good work!


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