Wednesday, 15 December 2021

Geometree | SLJ

This week for the SLJ (Summer learning jorney), we made a geometry art to made a tree. I got a sketching pencil to make the lines and filled the whole papper. Then I got a vivid to trace over my line to make it more black and thick. Then i got some colouring pencils to colour in the shapes and i made some shapes blank to make it better.

I found this task so cool becuase this reminded me of geometric art.

Tuesday, 14 December 2021

Sir edmumd hillliry | SLJ

 This week we did a summer learning journey activity. The activity we did was to draw our heros. the person I did was sir edmund hillary. The first thing i did was find an image of the person I drew. Then i traced over the person to mke my own drawing of him. The last thing I did was to write his/her qoute.

The thing i found really dificult about this task was drawing the person becuse it looked no wear near sir edmund hilliry

Monday, 6 December 2021

art coulouring book-NASA edition | SLJ

This week for my first summer learning journey I did an activity on a website art colouring book - NASA. first we went on the link then I went on a space photo and start recolouring it in my own colours the one that I did was a space ship with a window facing the earth. I found this task fun becuse this was like doing art.

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Manga artist

 LI: To read for meaning and understanding

Our challenge today was to use our smart searching skills to create a DLO in our own words that tells us about the life of our favourite manga artist or a well known manga artist.

I found this task cool becuase we get to explain about our favourite anime character.

Monday, 30 August 2021

Goodbye/Hello lockdown task | Distance learning

This morning Miss Sheena joined our online Meet and taught us how to write a Hello/Goodbye poem. This poem shows the contrast between things lockdown made us leave behind and the things lockdown gives us the opportunity to do.

I enjoyed doing this task because I get to share the things I don't like and what I do like.

Friday, 27 August 2021

Science | Matter

 LI: to learn about the states of matter for our distance learning.

This weeks lockdown for science, we learned about Matter. For our task we explained the things about matter which was solid, liquid and gases. Solid are things that are hard by its shapes. For example: wood is hard and heavy and it is a cylinder. Liquid are things that are poured into things that have thick wholes in it. For example: Milk, juice, water and more. Gases are vape smokes that come from hot things but it can only last for a little bit of seconds. Then had to create a google dock and we had to insert tables and put images that were related to solid, liquid and/or gas.  We started to watch a video and take notes about what the person in the video was saying.

Last, we played a kahoot game that had everything to do with what we were learning.

I learned a lot about matter and I enjoyed doing it and the kahoot game but unfortunately I didn't win so maybe if I'm listening to my science teacher I will take notes so I can memorize everything what my teacher told us to do.

Monday, 16 August 2021


LI: To draw and label your own Hauora diagram


In order to be able to perform at their best athletes need to have a four walls of the whare tapawha standing. We created this poster to show what each wall represents and why it is important.

I enjoyed doing this becuase i found out lots of things about taha tinana, taha wairua, taha hinegnaro, and taha whanua

Acient greece olypics | prezi

 LI: To skim and scan to find facts about the Ancient Olympics and make notes in my own words.

Acineint oylmpics presentation

We used our reading time this week to find out about the Ancient Greek Olympics. Once we had made our notes and reorganised our information we collaboratively created a presentation.

I found out that if only men and non married women were allowed to participate in the acient olympic games.

I enjoyed doing the prezi presentation becuase there were lots of photos of the olympics.

Friday, 13 August 2021

Heart rate

 This week for science we leanred about heart rates

First we made a doc to talk about heart rates

Last we had to test our hearts by doing some exersise and then we had to write the results

I found this task easy becuase Finiding the results of out heart was easy

Monday, 9 August 2021

Houra and olympics

Athletes at the top of thier feild trianmentaly and physiclly becuase it s both the boddy and the mind that need to be strong to have balance as an athlete. It is so important to colaborate the success you earn but it is equall as important to embarace the less succesful time. it is the learning you take from losing that makes you stronger and wiser. People that winn medal's feel like that they have success in thier mind and they were confident to achive thier own trewards.

Wednesday, 4 August 2021


 What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a meditation that calms our body and our mind using a mindfulness bell. It also allows us to focus on now, and leave the past and not worry about the future. There are two zones of mindfulness which are red and green. The red zone is when you are angry, frustrated, distracted, anxious, etc. The green zone is when you are calm, clear, peaceful, engaged, etc. This also lets us remove our negativity from our minds, and control our thoughts and emotions. To have a mindful mind you will need to have your legs crossed, hands on knees, close your eyes then breath in and then breath out while your back is straight. 

After doing this mindfulness session I felt more calm, and had a clear mind.

Friday, 30 July 2021

Acids and bases

 This week for science the year sevens learned about how acids and bases works.

First we made a google docts of acids and bases. Then we watched a video and we had to take notes Then we had to write the equipments and ingredients for what we were going to do. then we had to buddy up with someone and start the experient. After the experiment we started our blog post to finish the experiment of

I found this task had trouble trying to make notes

Friday, 9 July 2021


 This week for science we are learning about how plants work. Plants are things that live in the comonity and the forest and they also include roots and need water to be hydrated and need sunshine to help it grow. We made an experiment with water, food colouring and celery.

Fill a beaker up with water to 200 ml

Next add te drops of food colouring.

Next get a celery and stir the water up.

Then leave it there and meanwhile tie it with a bag a twist tie.

Next wait for 30 minutes. 

Thursday, 8 July 2021

Matariki stars/Matariki birds

 LI: to celebrate matariki

This week our focus was about Matariki, as it is the time of year we see the Matariki stars in the sky. It is the Maor on Wednesday is was the Matariki celebration. During this week we have had many different task about the Matariki celebration. Today we had four task to complete about the Matariki celebration. The first task was to find where we will see the matariki stars. The next task was about where in the sky is the Matariki stars and write where they are. The third task was about why does the matariki stars disappears in may and reappears in june. The last task was about learning about the three birds that they feast on in the matariki celebration.

Inside/ouside brochure

 LI: to celebrate matariki

This week for the matariki challenges we created 2 brochures which was an inside brochure and an outside bochure. For my inside brochure, me and my group explained about the matariki stories, how matariki was celebrated in the past and what food was harvest at the festival. For my outside bochure, we explained matariki and wrote fact about it too.

What I found a bit hard is that i didn't know any fact so I had to reaserch it.

Thursday, 1 July 2021

Vision board

 LI: to create a DLO showing what we want to achieve.

This week for inquiry we created our own vision board showing the things we want to achieve in our life.

First we create a google drawing to start off our vision board.

Next we inserted images that were part of our goals that we were trying to achieve

Lastly we sorted and aarnged the images.

What I found hard was that I couldnt know where els put when i ran out of space.

Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Greek mythogology

LI: to use our smart searching skill to find imformation abiut the greek gods.

Today David shared his reading challenge with us. It is all about the Greek gods and helps us to practise the skills we have been learning in our reading lessons with our teachers. 

David created this task as part of his CARE award challenges. We earn CARE award badges in year 7 and 8 to show that we understand our school values. In this activity we used our smart searching skills to find information to help us complete the table.

I found this activity intresting becuase this task explained about historic people because.

The Greek god I found most interesting was Hera because an extra detail about her is that she is knon as Zesus sister

Tuesday, 29 June 2021


LI:To edit our writing using DRAFT.

This week for writing we has been working on Abstract Noun Poems. Me and my partner's abstract noun is about Dream. An Abstract noun is something that exists but you cannot touch, an abstract noun also comes with metaphors and 5 senses. The 5 senses we use to make our poem powerful is using (smell,taste,hear,feeling and see). Something that helped us out of writing our abstract nouns is using Metaphors , Simile , complex sentences , punctuation, complex sentences and word hippo.

Then the next day we edited our poems using DRAFT (Delete, Rearange, Add, Fix, Talk)

Something we found interesting is how the DRAFT System works.

Something we learnt is how the DRAFT system works

Friday, 25 June 2021

Flowers | Tech | Science

 LI: to identify the imformation about a hibiscus

This week for Science (Tech), the yr sevens learned about flowers. Flowers are part of nature/Enviroments that give oxygen to the world. There are lots of types of flowers that exist in the world. 

Our first task was to write things about flowers, What we have notice about flowers and what we know about them.

Our second task was to write the parts of a hibiscus.

Our third task was to write the materials and steps to look at the stigma eggs and look at it through a microscope.

What i found intrestoing was that i learnt all the parts of the hibiscus

Wednesday, 23 June 2021


 LI: To explain in fewer words what the text is about.

Today for inquiry my group has done a summary about retelling the story about how Rangi and Papa got seperated. 

Storytelling is a huge part of the culture and history of Aotearoa. This taonga from our ancestors is the heartbeat that will keep our whakapapa alive for those who are still to walk in their footsteps.

In this task we picked out 20 important words from the sand art that we watched some are Maori, parents, free, darkness, etc. Then we picked out 6 most important words to sum up the video that e watch into fewer sentences. 

Something I found interesting was how the man could draw a lot of details using sand.

Forming an opinion

 LI: consider both perspectives.

Today for inquiry my group and I read information about Kuirau Park, Rotorua, New Zealand we then looked if the information was true or false if the event took place or not by looking at one place in New Zealand. 

Something I found interesting was that some of the information written was real but at the end it was not true.

Venn diagram

 LI:Find as many similarities and differences as you can between the video and the text of “The Beginning”. 

For inquiry my group read the beginning of how the Rangi and Papa got seperated. We then made a venn diagram about what the differences or the video version and the written versions. Then we looked if we could find any similarities about the book and the video. Lastly we wrote what we prefered between the video and the written version  of the story. I prefered the video version because it told the whole story using sand witch was used to make an art story.

Something I found interesting was how many similarities we could find between the video version and the written version

Main iedas

 LI: To identify the main ideas in a text

This week for inquiry we retold how Maui slowed down the sun using main ideas. 

First, we watch a video of how maui slowed down the sun. After that, we wrote multiple ideas about the important ideas in the story. Next we wrote 4 very important ideas from the important ideas. Lastly, we wrote 3 vital ideas.

I foud task difficult becuase i was struggleing with the 3 vital ideas.

Friday, 18 June 2021

Float and sink

 LI: to identify the bouyanty of an object.

This week for Science we learnt about how things/object sink and float. Things float becuase they either contain air inside of it or they are light becuase they are made out of plastic. Things sink bececuase they are heavy and don't contain air.

We got into partners and had to tes the size, weight, compostion (What its made out of), Prediction (If it floats or sink in water) and the Bouyancy result.

I found this task intresting becuse i did not know that a large wood would float .

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Simple machines

 LI: to find information about simple machines

We collaborated in our group to find information about simple machines. There are six simple machines.

  1. Pulley: A pulley is a simple machine that is very useful to lift up heavy objects. For example: If you were in an elevator the pulley pulls you up to take you to the next level floor.

  2. Lever: Lever helps to weigh the mass of something unknown. 

  3. Inclined plane: An inclined plane is a ramp that helps heavy wheeled objects move up.

  4. Wedge: A wedge is a simple machine with a sharp tip and a thick edge. The tip is used to stop a door from moving

  5. Wheel and axle: A wheel and axle is used to pull something that is heavy. 

  6. Screw: A screw is used to help grip on the surface it is screwed into so that it could hold together. 

Our challenge was to create labelled diagrams (information pictures) to show our understanding of the information for each simple machine. We also summarised our facts in 25 words.

Friday, 11 June 2021

Following Classroom Rules & Expectations | PB4L

LI: To follow the rules and expectations, expected from teachers.

This weeks PB4L learning is about following classroom rules and expectations. PB4L is a acronym describing Positive Behavior for Learning. PB4L helps us understand the correct behavior for inside classroom learning and outer learning. This consist of Classroom discussions, walking to assembly, behaviour on school trips, wet day procedure eg. respecting wet day monitors. All of these prospects will help us develop a strong and healthy learning enviroment.

I found this task easy becuase LS2 already knew what the expectation is.

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Current event

 `This week for reading Mrs Fisi'iahi's reading groups made a DLO talk about National or international events that took place.

First we went on the kiwi kids news website to find a National or international news to look at and read.

Next we made a copy the name of the event and we linked it to the evnt that has the name.

Lastly we explained about what the current event was about.

I found this task hard becuase I was having trouble about who was envoled in the event

Friday, 4 June 2021

Student led conderences

 LI: to share our learning with our families

This afternoon Panmure bridge school students were sharing thier own learning with thier families and Pearents in thier class. LS2 had a alot of adults inside and thier son/dauhter have been going all around the class room to show them thier work that they have been doing this year. Then people went to Mrs anderson's and Mrs Fisi'aihi's laptop and cast it on the TV and the students showed thier parents their learning on thier blog post.

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Cinquain Poem

LI: To write a cinquain poem to describe a sports star

We have been learning to write cinquain poems to help us strengthen our connections to description. A cinquain poem has 5 lines. Each line has a different purpose. Line 1 is a noun which is a name. Line 2 has 2 adjectives taht describe the noun. Line 3 has 3 verbs that end in ‘ing’ and describe the actions. Line 4 is a noun phrase which is a group of words (not a sentence) that go together to describe the noun. Line 5 is a synonym which is a word with a similar meaning to the noun.

I enjoeyd this activity becuase i get to make a poem about steven adams

My Reading Pathway

LI: To show my personal journey through books

This week is book week at Panmure Bridge School, which means every class participates in a number of reading activities. One of our activities was to create a reading pathway that shows how my favourite books have changed over time.

At the moment I like reading because it expands my knowledge and I learn new vocabulary

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

How to stand up to bullies

 This week I created a DLO to teach people how to stand up to bullies.

I made an explaination of how to stand up to bullies and this can help you to be safe.

Monday, 31 May 2021

Technological practices

 LI: To use technological practices process to design a toy.

For Mrs Fisi’iahi’s Inquiry lesson, we were focusing on the three last technological processes. They were: build, test and evaluate. We used the required materials in order to build the AUV rover. After this, we tested and compared each group’s rover to see which group was able to scramble across the floor the furthest. Evaluating our results was the last step. 

I found this activity fun because we get to make a rover and play with it

Friday, 21 May 2021


LI: To explain in fewer words what the text is about 

This week for reading I summarised a book that me and my group read. 

First, I found 20 words from the book.

Next, I chose 6 most inportant worrd from the 20 words i used from the book.

Last i used those 6 words to make a sentace retteling the book.

I fround this task dificult becuase it was a hard choice choseing what what 6 words were important out of all 20 of them.

Monday, 17 May 2021

ASB getwise

 Today I leanrt how to spend money wisely. LS2 went to room 1 and then we met a man from a ASB company called Marlon.

We played a game about teams starting with $1800 and we had to to spend it on things get points I a team spen the exspensive thikngs they would get over 4 point and if teams spend  money on cheap stuff they would only get a little bit of points.

I found this game hard becuase me and my groups had hard choises of how much money we were going to spend on.

Thursday, 15 April 2021

Key compenties

LI: To compare the Key Competencies we think we will use on camp and the Key Competencies we actually used.  

Before we went to camp our challenge was to think about when we might use the Key Competencies as we faced the challenges.  When we came back from camp we looked at this and compared how we thought we would use the Key Competencies and how we actually used them.

I found this activity hard because it was hard trying to write the section two.

Monday, 12 April 2021

Duffy role model

LI: to have an acembely with duffy.

Today in the afternoon we made sure we were nice and dressed for the duffy role model. When we arrived we waited for a little while. when Mark arivied we started to sing the duffy song. after we did that, we had Marc from Duffy to come and talk to us about the importance of reading and how reading can make a big impact on your life.  Although Marc had some challenges in his life he used reading as a tool to get through the hard times. Marc believes that there is only CANs and not CAN’Ts. Last we sang the nationinal anthem.

I found the words that Marc said confusing because I did not understand some words and next i will define them.

Friday, 9 April 2021


 LI: To a collaborative brochure that tells others why Kokako Lodge is a great place to go on camp

Over the last week everyone challenged themselves during the sessions at archery, high ropes, kayaking, raft building, camp cooking, pancake race and team building/orienteering. Our group collaborated to create a brochure that shows others why Kokako Lodge is a great place to go on camp.

I found this activity easy because I just had to make a list of what we did during camp.

Kokako infographic

 LI: To create an infographic using google draw that tells your audience facts about the kokako.

This week, everyone in LS2 has been given a set of different challenges based on our camp. For this activity we used our smart searching skills to find information about the North Island Kokako bird.

I found this activity dificult because I had trouble trying to writing about the aperance in my own words.

Camp collage

LI: To create a collage of your camp highlights

This week LS2 have been celebrating our camp. I created this collage to show my time at camp and the activities I enjoyed. To make my collage effective, I thought about the size of the images, the angle of the images and I tried hard not to leave any gaps between the photos.

I found this activity hard because I was stugling with the gabs.

Thursday, 8 April 2021

5 minutes of camp...

LI: To recount a 5 minute snapshot of one experience you had at camp

 “3, 2, 1, climb” I was hoping I wasn't going to fall off because I could barely see the huge view in front of me. As I first looked down I overreacted and started to get butterflies in my stomach.

It was my turn to go but I was really scared to climb and walk on the pole, so when I climbed on the first ladder I started to climb up as fast as I could to get up the top. 

When I first arrived up top it was so high that I got the chills because I am scared of heights. The pole that I was walking on was very thin and it was so scary that I started to speed walk to the pole on the other side. My heart was really racing. I thought that was it, until the instructor said to walk backwards halfway and when I did it,  I did not know if I was walking straight or not and I thought it would be a bad idea to do this.

After I made it to the middle I did a dance but I was just hoping I wouldn't fall off at all. Then I was challenged to do a three sixty! I did it but my heart was racing the whole time.

Finally the instructor told me to jump off the pole. I thought that it would be a bad idea but I had no choice so I had to jump off. My heart started to beat hard, I closed my eyes and hoped. When my feet touched the ground my friends and I really knew I had done this. This is an challenge that I will never forget.

Last week we went to camp at Kokako Lodge. My 5 minute snapshot shows my personal voice and I have tried hard to paint a picture with my words to describe what I was doing and how I felt.

Monday, 8 March 2021

Ko wai ahau

Kia orana my name is Elaario and I am 10 years old. I’m a year 7 and I’m in work space 2. My culture is Cook Island, Maori and European and my favourite food is butter chicken and pasta. The sport that I like to play is tennis and my favourite hobby I like to do is be creative. The goals that have to work on is to be kind, be respectful, listen, take risks and do some work. My favourite singer is Ed Sheeran and my favourite holiday is Christmas. The last school I used to go to was Leabank Primary School. I enjoy Kiwi sports, Art and I also enjoy LS2.

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Kapa haka trip

To learn the teachings of our tupuna (ancestors) and the history of New Zealand's native people and their land.

This week the yr 8 & 7 boys went on a trip to the aukland war memorial museum to discover the information and history of moari/kapa haka. We met in the hall with Mr ogilvie, Mrs Pride, Mrs Fisiahi matua Ngrimu and matua Kingi.


After we all met we started to line up and walked into the bus. While we were in there, everyone practiced the words of kamate. When we arrived we entered the back of the museum. When we were exploring I saw a lego rocket ship and a lego sailing boat. We went in the dining room to have some snacks then went into the maori history section. Matua kingi gave us some questions to answer and we had to explore to find out. Then we went into the hotonui and learnt about the carvings and the art and we also learned what they represent. Then we started to continue searching for the answers. When it was lunch we had pizza and we had to find a partner to share it with.


After that we started to walk down the pukekawa hill then we had to walk around a field. After that matua Ngarimu taught us how to use a taiaha and this included eight steps. After we did them we did the whole thing using all eight steps. Then we packed all the taiha up and went back on the bus to go back to PBS.

I enjoyed the museum because we learnt a lot of things in the Marae which was called hotonui and I also found the quiz hard barbecue there were answers that I forgot.

Thursday, 18 February 2021

cyber smart challenge

LI: to be cyber smart and use our devices to learn, create and share 

This week for cyber smart our activity was a cyber smart challenge. The cyber smart challenge had 3 manaiakalani DLOs that we had to work on.

The first DLO activity was kawa of care (1-2). This task included sentences that had missing words. The missing words had to be put in the right sentence to make sense.  

The second activity was student responsible use agreement. This task had sentences that described about caring and using agreements and we had to take a photo of ourselves and put it in the middle of the DLO.

The last activity was know your key board. On the first slide we had to write our name and we had to copy and paste words if we had two words that were the same. On the second slide we had to put arrows on the keys that had short cuts. On the third slide we had to find out the answer of the keyboard short cuts. On the last slide we had to do our own key board shortcut. 

I found this activity hard because i had to find out the keyboard shortcuts.

Statistical Investigation

LI: to plan and to carry out a statistical investigation

This week for maths I learned about graphs. First LS2 got in pairs and got a piece of paper to write four questions about what our favourite thing was. After the questions were written we went around the class asking fithteen people what there favourite thing was. For example: what is your favourite food.

After we did that, we made a paper graph and a digital graph using the results we gathered. Last we predicted which thing was going to be most popular. The thing that i predicted was that purple was going to be the most popular colour was going to be purple but it turned out that the popular one was blue. 


 LI: to understand why being hydrated is important for our health.

Hydration is drinking lots of water to make you lose you thirst, a non lack of water and if your urine is light yellow that means you drank a good amount of water. Being hydrated is really important for your health and keeps you awake. Being dehydrated is losing water from your body, makes you tired and you can lose water when you sweat and breath. Being dehydrated is bad for you body because you can get hot  and you can get very thirsty. 

What i learnt interesting from this activity was that you can lose water when you breath.

Friday, 12 February 2021


 This week for writing LS2 worked in groups of 5 - 6 people to find the definition of leadership. First we brainstormed all the examples linked to leadership onto a piece of paper. Second we used that brainstorm to give us a basic idea of what leadership is. Then we wrote down all the important words linked to leadership, we then used those words to create a summary. After that we created a DLO about our summary and the process of making it.

Wednesday, 10 February 2021

Summary of Te Tiriti o Waitangi

LI: To explain in fewer words what the text is about

This week for reading I learned about the Te Titiriti o Waitangi by reading an article explaining the history behind the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi.

First I looked through the text and found 20 keywords in the article. Then I chose six important keywords and wrote a paragraph summary with those keywords.

I found this activity a bit hard because I found it difficult to find 6 of the most important keywords to write a summary with.